Nov 26th 1998

Thanksgiving Day

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I woke up at 8:00am wishing to go for a run but stayed in bed listening to the radio till 8:45pm. NPR, 88.5FM was featuring several segment on Turkey and how best to cook it. The talk of food made me hungry and my stomach growled in agreement.

I finally dragged myself out of bed. I switched off the suffocating heater and put on my NIKE running attire.

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For this run; I put on 3 layers of clothing of all breathable material (mind you). I just learned that we lost 50% of heat through the head - so a headband was a required item. I learnt this last night from runnersworld mag website.

I decided b4 heading out the door to take some pics of myself and ingeniously used the mirror to take the self-portraits on my Olympus D320L digicam. run4_112698.jpg (84120 bytes)
The weather outside was a "warm" 52F.
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